Now Serving the States of Texas and South Dakota
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We have created this page to help answer some frequently asked questions that we receive. However, always feel free to email us with any additional questions you may have.
We offer convenient online self-scheduling for our appointments. This means that you do not have to wait to talk to someone and can pick a time and day that works for you from all of the available times. To schedule visit click the button below.
We do not currently accept insurance. We are a cash-based practice but work hard to price our services at a price that is affordable. We do accept most HSA cards and can provide you with the documentation needed for those charges.
Medication costs are individualized based on your individualized treatment plan. Some medications can be filed to insurance or offered in generic form for an affordable cash price. For more expensive medications, we offer an option to order them from compounding pharmacies for a discounted total price.
Absolutely! You are welcome to come in at any time for vitamin injections at any time. These do not require an office visit.
We need labs for each patient that have been done in the past 6 months. Please bring your labs with you to your appointment. If you have not had labs recently we can draw a weight loss panel in our office for $99 with a turn around time of about 48 hours. Labs can be done on a walk in basis M-F from 9-330.
This is the link to our Fullscript site! From here, you can order any of the supplements that we offer in the office to be shipped to your home. The benefit of purchasing here is that you know you have a quality supplement that has been personally selected by our team of providers.
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